суббота, 15 октября 2016 г.

Black and White Chocolate Chip Clouds and Sweet News

Black and White Chocolate Chip Clouds and Sweet News

Sweet treats and some sweet news!
Life is pretty hectic these days in my home, but I’m not complaining, I love every minute of it. Here’s a little peek into a typical day in my world.
My sweet little one year old is at the stage where she wants wants “mama” all day long, especially whenever I’m in the kitchen about to cook, this is usually what I see when I look down…


My sweet little pup is usually hanging around waiting for some food to fall on the floor which seems to happen a lot lately…

When my teen isn’t busy with homework and college hunting, you can usually find her baking something sweet in my kitchen for her friends or for Skinnytaste (but never without her iPod and cell phone!)

Karina whipping up a batch of Black and White Chocolate Chip Clouds

Lately finding time to cook, photograph and post recipes has been my biggest challenge. I have so many ideas and recipes in my head, just not enough hours in the day to make them. You are all such wonderful followers, you’ve been spreading the word about my site on Facebook, Twitter, meetings, community boards, voting for me in blog contests, and I really can’t thank you enough so I’m sure you will like what I’m about to tell you…
Sweet News and a Sweet Recipe!
I’ve decided to leave my day job to spend more time with my family, children and yes, Skinnytaste. It’s a sweet new chapter in my book of life and I’m very excited about what’s to come. I’ve always loved my career in photo retouching, I’ve had the pleasure to work with some fierce talent and it’s sad to see that behind me, but I feel good things ahead and hopefully I’ll have more time to cook.

And now for these sweet treats…

Black and white chocolate chip meringue cookies are the perfect fix to cure your sweet tooth. They are light and airy and melt in your mouth and somehow get better with time. I like to make them the night before and store them in an air tight container, the next day they are nice and chewy and even chewier the day after. Low fat, gluten-free and delicious! Make sure your bowls and spatulas are squeaky clean, your egg whites are room temperature and you use a metal bowl to guarantee success.

Black and White Chocolate Chip Clouds
Gina’s Weight Watcher Recipes
Servings: 30 • Serving Size: 1 cookie • Points +: 1 pt • Smart Points: 2
Calories: 55.6 • Fat: 2.1 g • Carb: 8.2 g • Fiber: 0.8 g • Sugar: 7.9 g • Protein: 1.0 g 

3 large egg whites (room temperature)
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

Heat oven to 300°F. Cover cookie sheet with nonstick silicone pad or parchment paper.
Using a mixer, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar together in large bowl at high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar a little at a time, then vanilla, beating well after each addition until you get stiff peaks, the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is glossy.

Fold in chocolate chips. Drop mixture by tablespoons onto cookie sheet.

Bake 35 to 45 minutes or just until dry. Cool slightly; remove from cookie sheet. Cool completely on wire rack. Store covered, at room temperature. Makes about 30 cookies.

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