суббота, 15 октября 2016 г.

Pina Banana Colada Smoothie

Pina Banana Colada Smoothie

No time for breakfast? Make a smoothie! I love this combination of

bananas and pineapple – a little taste of the tropics to start my


Pineapples are rich in enzymes, which is great for your digestive system. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin C. I like to throw in some chia seeds, but it’s completely optional. Along with bananas, this smoothie is high in fiber, vitamins and a perfect start to your day!

Piña Banana Colada Smoothie

Servings: 1 • Size: 1 smoothie • Points+: 4 pts • Smart Points: 4

Pina Banana Colada Smoothie
Original pictures take c6.staticflickr.com site

Calories: 160 • Fat: 6 g • Carb: 27 g • Fiber: 4 g • Protein: 2 g • Sugar: 18 g

Sodium: 95 mg • Cholesterol: 0 mg

1/2 medium ripe frozen banana

3 1/2 oz (about 1/2 cup) fresh pineapple

2/3 cup ice

1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)

1 tbsp sweetened shredded coconut


Place all the ingredients in the blender except for the coconut and blend until smooth. Mix in coconut and pour over a glass of ice.

I only share products I use in my own kitchen

on a daily basis. I created this recipe and received compensation to do


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